Well, my resolution to blog regularly has "failed" must have been that I didn't prepare a rubric with which to assess myself, or was I just not engaged? Might it have been that I hadn't set out reasonable, measurable goals? Did I have choice in what I was doing?
Okay so I am not going crazy but these are the kinds of things we would ask of why students are not motivated, engaged or desire to complete tasks. Is it the task? Is it the content? Is it our instructional strategies? Combo anyone?
I don't profess to have answers but I do believe that if we as educators don't reflect and ask these kinds of questions when are students fail to rise to the occassion, skip classes, omitt assignments, engage elsewhere then we are failing as educators. We can't just slap a zero and say oh well, kid should have done their work.... or can we?
Now, I know the next argument is, do I wait forever to get the assignment? wellllll...... that is a whole other blog entry.
But I would love to hear other peoples views and comments on this...