Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twitter and Professional Development

Twitter can if be part of your personal PD?

My responnse would be absolutely! My work partner Greg and I have had many discussions about how the world of twitter has been an amazing means to personal growth in our profession and in helping otheres. As Educational Technology Consultants we have been able to connect with other educators in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, US and around the world to share information regarding technology integration, great lessons, new apps, up and coming trends, student exemplars and professional readings that prompt you to learn how to do something new.

It actually is PD on steriods as you can get extremely addicted and want to be in twitter land bookmarking, responding, tweeting, retweeting, favoriting etc. The great thing is that there is so much you never feel like you missed something. As one of my previous post states it also makes you feel good to share your ideas, share other people's ideas by retweeting and ask for advice from the world.

Twitter is a social media tool that can meet many needs and be a great source of information. It can be used in the classroom in so many ways, I hope to explore that more in my next post but for today, make sure you join twitter so that you can make the PD connections and share your great ideas, links, research finds, books and articles to read!

Make sure you check out the following resoures to help with your twitter adventure:

Twitter Tools Resources:

Students Voice.... do we hear it?

Students teaching us...... stop and listen to their voice.

So when they told me I would be going to a High School, I was stunned. I wasn't sure that is where my talents would best be used. Was I wrong...

I have had the honour and pleasure to work with some amazing students and staff over the past few months. Not only did I learn that what we as individuals feel our talents are can be so off base but I also learned that you are placed where you are needed and where you will learn.

So often as educators many people see what they can do for their students and that is awesome and inspiring but if we would stop for a moment and see what they can do for us, we would realize that this learning journey is a two way street. Sometimes we are the ones following and learning from the students who given the chance can lead!

Inquiry based learning has so often freaked out educators, parents and those around our students with the idea that how will we know what they have learned, they need more structures, etc. But if we can just learn to reflect and let them show us what they know in their own way we might be surprised at what they have learned, the connections they have made and the direction they might lead us to make new connections.

It isn't just the use of technology that enables our young people today, it is that in the online environments and social networks they have a voice and people hear them, respond to them and actually act on their ideas. Can we say this is true of all of our classrooms? Do we hear them? Do we respond to them in a way that they feel heard?

Is everything they say important, necessary, or even on topic... probably not. But the question is do they have the opportunity or do they see the classroom as a place that they just sit and take in information? Social Media provides them with a place and they know that they are welcome to give their ideas, opinions or questions.

More than ever we need to model for our students how to use that forum to thier dvantage and to use it properly. If we can model the use of social media to promote ideas, critically provide feedback and share information instead of bullying, being rash in decision making or just using it to be abusive we can help our young people to make a difference using their voice.

A voice that we do want to hear and a voice that often has so much to offer. I am challenging myself and educators I know to see if we can hear those voices clearer in our day to day work.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Using Technology to Demonstrate Process not just Product

I have had the great fortune to work with some amazing educators and leaders in using Technology with their students. One of the areas we are currently exploring is the use of basic tools to demonstrate understanding and as a means of documenting and reflecting on process.

Often times educators can get stuck in final products, or displaying of content but how do we assess the process taking place as the student creates, collaborates and connects?

Our group has been exploring the use of digital cameras, SMART Notebook recorder, Microsoft Photo Story 3, Audacity and simple audio recorder on most computers to record the process and have students reflect on their learning journey

This exploration has also let to the idea that Digital Storytelling can be used to reflect on these processes not just create a "story" that is our traditional story but tell the story of learning.

It provides us as educators with insights into their thinking, their understanding and their misunderstandings.

Simple topics that we have experimented with as a group include, Math talks where students explain a strategy, an answer to a problem, or a comparision of concepts. Another area includes retelling of an event in Social Studies, or Religion. A few classess have documented the process for solving an inquiry project or task and identifying the roles of each person in the group, the strategies used, the creation of the "bridge" "water test" and then the testing of the experiment. Their reflections on their success and what they would change or do differently is just as important if not more important than the actual product.

We recommend that every classroom keep a digital camera on hand for the students to grab and snap what is happening. Use the audio recorder on a laptop in a small group to capture group discussion, debate or just the brainstorming of a problem or taks. It will give us an eye /ear into the student thinking without comprimising what they want to say by our presence.

Even the Phys. Ed classroom could have cameras to document skills being learned, before / after. What other ideas can you think of for documenting process not product???

Share your ideas with our team!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Twitter as a Professional Development Tool

Can Twitter serves as a PD tool for educators? My response would be absolutely. My work partner Greg and I have had many discussion on how twitter has opened a world of professional development that we had not been a part of previously. As educationl technology consultants we have been fortunate to meet fellow educators in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, US and around the world that are willing to share their ideas, expertise, lessons, websites, articles, trends and upcoming technology with others.

In fact Twitter is like PD on steroids as it provides you with a direct link, you can personalize your learning and you can get addicted very easily. The great thing is when was the last time you heard a teacher say I am addicted to PD??

This kind of pd is perfect for today's learner, it is available 24/7, but you don't have to be in it 24/7. It can provide many collaborative spaces so you are not alone. It also celebrates that we are all lifelong learners regardless of age, work experience or education.

There is so much educators can do with Twitter in the classroom but I will save that for another post. For today I encourage everyone to use Twitter to find areas they want to explore in their field of teaching and learning, branch out to try something new and meet some great people.
Follow someone with the same interests and you never know where you will go!

I have included some resources that can be very useful for begining your Twitter journey.
Twitter Resources for Teachers
100 Tips and Resources for Teachers on Twitter
Twitter Resources for Educators:
Twitter in the Classroom