Sunday, November 4, 2012

Twitter and Professional Development

Twitter can if be part of your personal PD?

My responnse would be absolutely! My work partner Greg and I have had many discussions about how the world of twitter has been an amazing means to personal growth in our profession and in helping otheres. As Educational Technology Consultants we have been able to connect with other educators in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, US and around the world to share information regarding technology integration, great lessons, new apps, up and coming trends, student exemplars and professional readings that prompt you to learn how to do something new.

It actually is PD on steriods as you can get extremely addicted and want to be in twitter land bookmarking, responding, tweeting, retweeting, favoriting etc. The great thing is that there is so much you never feel like you missed something. As one of my previous post states it also makes you feel good to share your ideas, share other people's ideas by retweeting and ask for advice from the world.

Twitter is a social media tool that can meet many needs and be a great source of information. It can be used in the classroom in so many ways, I hope to explore that more in my next post but for today, make sure you join twitter so that you can make the PD connections and share your great ideas, links, research finds, books and articles to read!

Make sure you check out the following resoures to help with your twitter adventure:

Twitter Tools Resources:

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