Sunday, January 8, 2012

Twitter as a Professional Development Tool

Can Twitter serves as a PD tool for educators? My response would be absolutely. My work partner Greg and I have had many discussion on how twitter has opened a world of professional development that we had not been a part of previously. As educationl technology consultants we have been fortunate to meet fellow educators in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, US and around the world that are willing to share their ideas, expertise, lessons, websites, articles, trends and upcoming technology with others.

In fact Twitter is like PD on steroids as it provides you with a direct link, you can personalize your learning and you can get addicted very easily. The great thing is when was the last time you heard a teacher say I am addicted to PD??

This kind of pd is perfect for today's learner, it is available 24/7, but you don't have to be in it 24/7. It can provide many collaborative spaces so you are not alone. It also celebrates that we are all lifelong learners regardless of age, work experience or education.

There is so much educators can do with Twitter in the classroom but I will save that for another post. For today I encourage everyone to use Twitter to find areas they want to explore in their field of teaching and learning, branch out to try something new and meet some great people.
Follow someone with the same interests and you never know where you will go!

I have included some resources that can be very useful for begining your Twitter journey.
Twitter Resources for Teachers
100 Tips and Resources for Teachers on Twitter
Twitter Resources for Educators:
Twitter in the Classroom